1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.widgets.treewidgetitemiterator;
15 extern(C++):
17 import qt.config;
18 import qt.core.flags;
19 import qt.core.scopedpointer;
20 import qt.helpers;
21 import qt.widgets.treewidget;
23 /+ QT_REQUIRE_CONFIG(treewidget);
26 class QTreeWidget;
27 class QTreeWidgetItem; +/
28 extern(C++, class) struct QTreeModel;
30 extern(C++, class) struct QTreeWidgetItemIteratorPrivate;
31 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT +/ QTreeWidgetItemIterator
32 {
33 private:
34     /+ friend class QTreeModel; +/
36 public:
37     enum IteratorFlag {
38         All           = 0x00000000,
39         Hidden        = 0x00000001,
40         NotHidden     = 0x00000002,
41         Selected      = 0x00000004,
42         Unselected    = 0x00000008,
43         Selectable    = 0x00000010,
44         NotSelectable = 0x00000020,
45         DragEnabled   = 0x00000040,
46         DragDisabled  = 0x00000080,
47         DropEnabled   = 0x00000100,
48         DropDisabled  = 0x00000200,
49         HasChildren   = 0x00000400,
50         NoChildren    = 0x00000800,
51         Checked       = 0x00001000,
52         NotChecked    = 0x00002000,
53         Enabled       = 0x00004000,
54         Disabled      = 0x00008000,
55         Editable      = 0x00010000,
56         NotEditable   = 0x00020000,
57         UserFlag      = 0x01000000 // The first flag that can be used by the user.
58     }
59     /+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(IteratorFlags, IteratorFlag) +/
60 alias IteratorFlags = QFlags!(IteratorFlag);
61     @disable this(this);
62     this(ref const(QTreeWidgetItemIterator) it);
63     /+ explicit +/this(QTreeWidget widget, IteratorFlags flags = IteratorFlag.All);
64     /+ explicit +/this(QTreeWidgetItem item, IteratorFlags flags = IteratorFlag.All);
65     ~this();
67     /+ref QTreeWidgetItemIterator operator =(ref const(QTreeWidgetItemIterator) it);+/
69     ref QTreeWidgetItemIterator opUnary(string op)() if(op == "++");
70     /+pragma(inline, true) const(QTreeWidgetItemIterator) operator ++(int)
71     {
72         QTreeWidgetItemIterator it = this;
73         ++(this);
74         return it;
75     }+/
76     pragma(inline, true) ref QTreeWidgetItemIterator opOpAssign(string op)(int n) if(op == "+")
77     {
78         if (n < 0)
79             return (this) -= (-n);
80         while (current && n--)
81             ++(this);
82         return this;
83     }
85     ref QTreeWidgetItemIterator opUnary(string op)() if(op == "--");
86     /+pragma(inline, true) const(QTreeWidgetItemIterator) operator --(int)
87     {
88         QTreeWidgetItemIterator it = this;
89         --(this);
90         return it;
91     }+/
92     pragma(inline, true) ref QTreeWidgetItemIterator opOpAssign(string op)(int n) if(op == "-")
93     {
94         if (n < 0)
95             return (this) += (-n);
96         while (current && n--)
97             --(this);
98         return this;
99     }
101     pragma(inline, true) QTreeWidgetItem opUnary(string op)() const if(op == "*")
102     {
103         return current;
104     }
106 private:
107     bool matchesFlags(const(QTreeWidgetItem) item) const;
108     QScopedPointer!(QTreeWidgetItemIteratorPrivate) d_ptr;
109     QTreeWidgetItem current;
110     IteratorFlags flags;
111     /+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QTreeWidgetItemIterator) +/
112 }
113 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type) operator |(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type f1, QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type f2)/+noexcept+/{return QFlags!(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type)(f1)|f2;}+/
114 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type) operator |(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type f1, QFlags!(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type) f2)/+noexcept+/{return f2|f1;}+/
115 /+pragma(inline, true) QIncompatibleFlag operator |(QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlags.enum_type f1, int f2)/+noexcept+/{return QIncompatibleFlag(int(f1)|f2);}+/
117 /+ Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlags) +/