1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.widgets.textbrowser;
15 extern(C++):
17 import qt.config;
18 import qt.core.coreevent;
19 import qt.core.string;
20 import qt.core.stringlist;
21 import qt.core.url;
22 import qt.core.variant;
23 import qt.gui.event;
24 import qt.gui.textdocument;
25 import qt.helpers;
26 import qt.widgets.textedit;
27 import qt.widgets.widget;
29 /+ QT_REQUIRE_CONFIG(textbrowser); +/
32 extern(C++, class) struct QTextBrowserPrivate;
34 class /+ Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT +/ QTextBrowser : QTextEdit
35 {
36     mixin(Q_OBJECT);
38     /+ Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource)
39     Q_PROPERTY(QTextDocument::ResourceType sourceType READ sourceType)
40     Q_OVERRIDE(bool modified SCRIPTABLE false)
41     Q_OVERRIDE(bool readOnly DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false)
42     Q_OVERRIDE(bool undoRedoEnabled DESIGNABLE false SCRIPTABLE false)
43     Q_PROPERTY(QStringList searchPaths READ searchPaths WRITE setSearchPaths)
44     Q_PROPERTY(bool openExternalLinks READ openExternalLinks WRITE setOpenExternalLinks)
45     Q_PROPERTY(bool openLinks READ openLinks WRITE setOpenLinks) +/
47 public:
48     /+ explicit +/this(QWidget parent = null);
49     /+ virtual +/~this();
51     final QUrl source() const;
52     final QTextDocument.ResourceType sourceType() const;
54     final QStringList searchPaths() const;
55     final void setSearchPaths(ref const(QStringList) paths);
57     /+ virtual +/ override QVariant loadResource(int type, ref const(QUrl) name);
59     final bool isBackwardAvailable() const;
60     final bool isForwardAvailable() const;
61     final void clearHistory();
62     final QString historyTitle(int) const;
63     final QUrl historyUrl(int) const;
64     final int backwardHistoryCount() const;
65     final int forwardHistoryCount() const;
67     final bool openExternalLinks() const;
68     final void setOpenExternalLinks(bool open);
70     final bool openLinks() const;
71     final void setOpenLinks(bool open);
73 public /+ Q_SLOTS +/:
74 /+ #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) +/
75     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void setSource(ref const(QUrl) name);
76     @QSlot final void setSource(ref const(QUrl) name, QTextDocument.ResourceType type);
77 /+ #else
78     void setSource(const QUrl &name, QTextDocument::ResourceType type = QTextDocument::UnknownResource);
79 #endif +/
80     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void backward();
81     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void forward();
82     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void home();
83     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void reload();
85 /+ Q_SIGNALS +/public:
86     @QSignal final void backwardAvailable(bool);
87     @QSignal final void forwardAvailable(bool);
88     @QSignal final void historyChanged();
89     @QSignal final void sourceChanged(ref const(QUrl) );
90     @QSignal final void highlighted(ref const(QUrl) );
91 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15) +/
92     /+ QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X_5_15("Use QTextBrowser::highlighted(QUrl) instead") +/
93         @QSignal final void highlighted(ref const(QString) );
94 /+ #endif +/
95     @QSignal final void anchorClicked(ref const(QUrl) );
97 protected:
98     override bool event(QEvent e);
99     /+ virtual +/ override void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent ev);
100     /+ virtual +/ override void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent ev);
101     /+ virtual +/ override void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent ev);
102     /+ virtual +/ override void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent ev);
103     /+ virtual +/ override void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent ev);
104     /+ virtual +/ override bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next);
105     /+ virtual +/ override void paintEvent(QPaintEvent e);
106 /+ #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0)
107     virtual
108 #endif +/
109     final void doSetSource(ref const(QUrl) name, QTextDocument.ResourceType type = QTextDocument.ResourceType.UnknownResource);
111 private:
112     /+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QTextBrowser) +/
113     /+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QTextBrowser) +/
114     /+ Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_documentModified())
115     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_activateAnchor(const QString &))
116     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_highlightLink(const QString &)) +/
117 }