1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.gui.textoption;
15 extern(C++):
17 import qt.config;
18 import qt.core.flags;
19 import qt.core.global;
20 import qt.core.list;
21 import qt.core.namespace;
22 import qt.core.qchar;
23 import qt.helpers;
25 /+ template <typename T> class QList; +/
26 struct QTextOptionPrivate;
28 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QTextOption
29 {
30 public:
31     enum TabType {
32         LeftTab,
33         RightTab,
34         CenterTab,
35         DelimiterTab
36     }
38     struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ Tab {
39         @disable this();
40         /+pragma(inline, true) this()
41         {
42             this.position = 80;
43             this.type = QTextOption.TabType.LeftTab;
44         }+/
45         pragma(inline, true) this(qreal pos, TabType tabType, QChar delim = QChar())
46         {
47             this.position = pos;
48             this.type = tabType;
49             this.delimiter = delim;
50         }
52         /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator ==(ref const(Tab) other) const {
53             return type == other.type
54                    && qFuzzyCompare(position, other.position)
55                    && delimiter == other.delimiter;
56         }+/
58         /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator !=(ref const(Tab) other) const {
59             return !operator==(other);
60         }+/
62         qreal position = 80;
63         TabType type = QTextOption.TabType.LeftTab;
64         QChar delimiter;
65     }
67     /*@disable this();
68     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
69     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
70     static typeof(this) create()
71     {
72         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
73         r.rawConstructor();
74         return r;
75     }*/
77     /*implicit*/ this(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.Alignment alignment);
78     ~this();
80     @disable this(this);
81     this(ref const(QTextOption) o);
82     /+ref QTextOption operator =(ref const(QTextOption) o);+/
84     pragma(inline, true) void setAlignment(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.Alignment aalignment)
85     { align_ = cast(uint)(aalignment.toInt); }
86     pragma(inline, true) /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.Alignment alignment() const { return /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.Alignment(cast(QFlag)(align_)); }
88     pragma(inline, true) void setTextDirection(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.LayoutDirection aDirection) { this.direction = aDirection; }
89 //    pragma(inline, true) /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.LayoutDirection textDirection() const { return /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.LayoutDirection(direction); }
91     enum WrapMode {
92         NoWrap,
93         WordWrap,
94         ManualWrap,
95         WrapAnywhere,
96         WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
97     }
98     pragma(inline, true) void setWrapMode(WrapMode wrap) { wordWrap = wrap; }
99     pragma(inline, true) WrapMode wrapMode() const { return static_cast!(WrapMode)(wordWrap); }
101     enum Flag {
102         ShowTabsAndSpaces = 0x1,
103         ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators = 0x2,
104         AddSpaceForLineAndParagraphSeparators = 0x4,
105         SuppressColors = 0x8,
106         ShowDocumentTerminator = 0x10,
107         IncludeTrailingSpaces = 0x80000000
108     }
109     /+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Flag) +/
110 alias Flags = QFlags!(Flag);    pragma(inline, true) void setFlags(Flags aflags)
111 { f = cast(uint)(aflags); }
112 //    pragma(inline, true) Flags flags() const { return Flags(cast(QFlag)(f)); }
114 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 10) +/
115     /+ QT_DEPRECATED +/ pragma(inline, true) void setTabStop(qreal atabStop)
116     { setTabStopDistance(atabStop); }
117     /+ QT_DEPRECATED +/ pragma(inline, true) qreal tabStop() const { return tabStopDistance(); }
118 /+ #endif +/
120     pragma(inline, true) void setTabStopDistance(qreal atabStop)
121     { tab = atabStop; }
122     pragma(inline, true) qreal tabStopDistance() const { return tab; }
124     void setTabArray(ref const(QList!(qreal)) tabStops);
125     QList!(qreal) tabArray() const;
127     void setTabs(ref const(QList!(Tab)) tabStops);
128     QList!(Tab) tabs() const;
130     void setUseDesignMetrics(bool b) { design = b; }
131     bool useDesignMetrics() const { return (design) != 0; }
133 private:
134     /+ uint align : 8; +/
135     uint bitfieldData_align = (WrapMode.WordWrap << 8) | (AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft);
136     final uint align_() const
137     {
138         return (bitfieldData_align >> 0) & 0xff;
139     }
140     final uint align_(uint value)
141     {
142         bitfieldData_align = (bitfieldData_align & ~0xff) | ((value & 0xff) << 0);
143         return value;
144     }
145     /+ uint wordWrap : 4; +/
146     final uint wordWrap() const
147     {
148         return (bitfieldData_align >> 8) & 0xf;
149     }
150     final uint wordWrap(uint value)
151     {
152         bitfieldData_align = (bitfieldData_align & ~0xf00) | ((value & 0xf) << 8);
153         return value;
154     }
155     /+ uint design : 1; +/
156     final uint design() const
157     {
158         return (bitfieldData_align >> 12) & 0x1;
159     }
160     final uint design(uint value)
161     {
162         bitfieldData_align = (bitfieldData_align & ~0x1000) | ((value & 0x1) << 12);
163         return value;
164     }
165     /+ uint direction : 2; +/
166     final uint direction() const
167     {
168         return (bitfieldData_align >> 13) & 0x3;
169     }
170     final uint direction(uint value)
171     {
172         bitfieldData_align = (bitfieldData_align & ~0x6000) | ((value & 0x3) << 13);
173         return value;
174     }
175     /+ uint unused : 17; +/
176     final uint unused() const
177     {
178         return (bitfieldData_align >> 15) & 0x1ffff;
179     }
180     final uint unused(uint value)
181     {
182         bitfieldData_align = (bitfieldData_align & ~0xffff8000) | ((value & 0x1ffff) << 15);
183         return value;
184     }
185     uint unused2; // ### Qt 6: remove unnecessary, extra 32 bits
186     uint f;
187     qreal tab = -1;
188     QTextOptionPrivate* d;
189 }
190 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type) operator |(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type f1, QTextOption.Flags.enum_type f2)/+noexcept+/{return QFlags!(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type)(f1)|f2;}+/
191 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type) operator |(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type f1, QFlags!(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type) f2)/+noexcept+/{return f2|f1;}+/
192 /+pragma(inline, true) QIncompatibleFlag operator |(QTextOption.Flags.enum_type f1, int f2)/+noexcept+/{return QIncompatibleFlag(int(f1)|f2);}+/
195 #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 10)
196 #endif
199 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QTextOption::Tab ) +/