1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.gui.brush;
15 extern(C++):
17 import qt.config;
18 import qt.core.atomic;
19 import qt.core.global;
20 import qt.core.metatype;
21 import qt.core.namespace;
22 import qt.core.objectdefs;
23 import qt.core.pair;
24 import qt.core.point;
25 import qt.core.scopedpointer;
26 import qt.core.typeinfo;
27 import qt.core.variant;
28 import qt.core.vector;
29 import qt.gui.color;
30 import qt.gui.image;
31 import qt.gui.matrix;
32 import qt.gui.pixmap;
33 import qt.gui.transform;
34 import qt.helpers;
36 /+ struct QBrushData;
37 class QPixmap;
38 class QGradient;
39 class QVariant; +/
40 struct QBrushDataPointerDeleter;
42 @(QMetaType.Type.QBrush) @Q_MOVABLE_TYPE extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QBrush
43 {
44 public:
45     @disable this();
46     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
47     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
48     static typeof(this) create()
49     {
50         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
51         r.rawConstructor();
52         return r;
53     }
55     this(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle bs);
56     this(ref const(QColor) color, /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle bs=/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle.SolidPattern);
57     this(const(QColor) color, /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle bs=/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle.SolidPattern)
58     {
59         this(color, bs);
60     }
61     this(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.GlobalColor color, /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle bs=/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle.SolidPattern);
63     this(ref const(QColor) color, ref const(QPixmap) pixmap);
64     this(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.GlobalColor color, ref const(QPixmap) pixmap);
65     this(ref const(QPixmap) pixmap);
66     this(ref const(QImage) image);
68     @disable this(this);
69     this(ref const(QBrush) brush);
71     this(ref const(QGradient) gradient);
73     ~this();
74     /+ref QBrush operator =(ref const(QBrush) brush);+/
75     /+ inline QBrush &operator=(QBrush &&other) noexcept
76     { qSwap(d, other.d); return *this; } +/
77     /+ inline void swap(QBrush &other) noexcept
78     { qSwap(d, other.d); } +/
80     /+auto opCast(T : QVariant)() const;+/
82     pragma(inline, true) /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle style() const { return d.style; }
83     void setStyle(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle);
85 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15) +/
86     /+ QT_DEPRECATED_X("Use transform()") +/ pragma(inline, true) ref const(QMatrix) matrix() const { return d.transform.toAffine(); }
87     /+ QT_DEPRECATED_X("Use setTransform()") +/ void setMatrix(ref const(QMatrix) mat);
88 /+ #endif +/ // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)
90     pragma(inline, true) QTransform transform() const { return d.transform; }
91     void setTransform(ref const(QTransform) );
93     QPixmap texture() const;
94     void setTexture(ref const(QPixmap) pixmap);
96     QImage textureImage() const;
97     void setTextureImage(ref const(QImage) image);
99     pragma(inline, true) ref const(QColor) color() const { return d.color; }
100     void setColor(ref const(QColor) color);
101     pragma(inline, true) void setColor(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.GlobalColor acolor)
102     { auto tmp = QColor(acolor); setColor(tmp); }
104     const(QGradient)* gradient() const;
106     bool isOpaque() const;
108     /+bool operator ==(ref const(QBrush) b) const;+/
109     /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator !=(ref const(QBrush) b) const { return !(operator==(b)); }+/
111 private:
112     /+ friend class QRasterPaintEngine; +/
113     /+ friend class QRasterPaintEnginePrivate; +/
114     /+ friend struct QSpanData; +/
115     /+ friend class QPainter; +/
116     /+ friend bool Q_GUI_EXPORT qHasPixmapTexture(const QBrush& brush); +/
117     void detach(/+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle newStyle);
118     void init_(ref const(QColor) color, /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle bs);
119     QScopedPointer!(QBrushData, QBrushDataPointerDeleter) d;
120     void cleanUp(QBrushData* x);
122 public:
123     pragma(inline, true) bool isDetached() const { return d.ref_.loadRelaxed() == 1; }
124     alias DataPtr = QScopedPointer!(QBrushData, QBrushDataPointerDeleter);
125     pragma(inline, true) ref DataPtr data_ptr() return { return d; }
126 }
130 /*****************************************************************************
131   QBrush stream functions
132  *****************************************************************************/
134 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
135 Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QBrush &);
136 Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QBrush &);
137 #endif
139 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
140 Q_GUI_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QBrush &);
141 #endif +/
143 struct QBrushData
144 {
145     QAtomicInt ref_;
146     /+ Qt:: +/qt.core.namespace.BrushStyle style;
147     QColor color;
148     QTransform transform;
149 }
150 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)
151 #endif +/ // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)
154 /*******************************************************************************
155  * QGradients
156  */
157 extern(C++, class) struct QGradientPrivate;
159 alias QGradientStop = QPair!(qreal, QColor);
160 alias QGradientStops = QVector!(QGradientStop);
162 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QGradient
163 {
164     mixin(Q_GADGET);
165 public:
166     enum Type {
167         LinearGradient,
168         RadialGradient,
169         ConicalGradient,
170         NoGradient
171     }
172     /+ Q_ENUM(Type) +/
174     enum Spread {
175         PadSpread,
176         ReflectSpread,
177         RepeatSpread
178     }
179     /+ Q_ENUM(Spread) +/
181     enum CoordinateMode {
182         LogicalMode,
183         StretchToDeviceMode,
184         ObjectBoundingMode,
185         ObjectMode
186     }
187     /+ Q_ENUM(CoordinateMode) +/
189     enum InterpolationMode {
190         ColorInterpolation,
191         ComponentInterpolation
192     }
194     enum Preset {
195         WarmFlame = 1,
196         NightFade = 2,
197         SpringWarmth = 3,
198         JuicyPeach = 4,
199         YoungPassion = 5,
200         LadyLips = 6,
201         SunnyMorning = 7,
202         RainyAshville = 8,
203         FrozenDreams = 9,
204         WinterNeva = 10,
205         DustyGrass = 11,
206         TemptingAzure = 12,
207         HeavyRain = 13,
208         AmyCrisp = 14,
209         MeanFruit = 15,
210         DeepBlue = 16,
211         RipeMalinka = 17,
212         CloudyKnoxville = 18,
213         MalibuBeach = 19,
214         NewLife = 20,
215         TrueSunset = 21,
216         MorpheusDen = 22,
217         RareWind = 23,
218         NearMoon = 24,
219         WildApple = 25,
220         SaintPetersburg = 26,
221         PlumPlate = 28,
222         EverlastingSky = 29,
223         HappyFisher = 30,
224         Blessing = 31,
225         SharpeyeEagle = 32,
226         LadogaBottom = 33,
227         LemonGate = 34,
228         ItmeoBranding = 35,
229         ZeusMiracle = 36,
230         OldHat = 37,
231         StarWine = 38,
232         HappyAcid = 41,
233         AwesomePine = 42,
234         NewYork = 43,
235         ShyRainbow = 44,
236         MixedHopes = 46,
237         FlyHigh = 47,
238         StrongBliss = 48,
239         FreshMilk = 49,
240         SnowAgain = 50,
241         FebruaryInk = 51,
242         KindSteel = 52,
243         SoftGrass = 53,
244         GrownEarly = 54,
245         SharpBlues = 55,
246         ShadyWater = 56,
247         DirtyBeauty = 57,
248         GreatWhale = 58,
249         TeenNotebook = 59,
250         PoliteRumors = 60,
251         SweetPeriod = 61,
252         WideMatrix = 62,
253         SoftCherish = 63,
254         RedSalvation = 64,
255         BurningSpring = 65,
256         NightParty = 66,
257         SkyGlider = 67,
258         HeavenPeach = 68,
259         PurpleDivision = 69,
260         AquaSplash = 70,
261         SpikyNaga = 72,
262         LoveKiss = 73,
263         CleanMirror = 75,
264         PremiumDark = 76,
265         ColdEvening = 77,
266         CochitiLake = 78,
267         SummerGames = 79,
268         PassionateBed = 80,
269         MountainRock = 81,
270         DesertHump = 82,
271         JungleDay = 83,
272         PhoenixStart = 84,
273         OctoberSilence = 85,
274         FarawayRiver = 86,
275         AlchemistLab = 87,
276         OverSun = 88,
277         PremiumWhite = 89,
278         MarsParty = 90,
279         EternalConstance = 91,
280         JapanBlush = 92,
281         SmilingRain = 93,
282         CloudyApple = 94,
283         BigMango = 95,
284         HealthyWater = 96,
285         AmourAmour = 97,
286         RiskyConcrete = 98,
287         StrongStick = 99,
288         ViciousStance = 100,
289         PaloAlto = 101,
290         HappyMemories = 102,
291         MidnightBloom = 103,
292         Crystalline = 104,
293         PartyBliss = 106,
294         ConfidentCloud = 107,
295         LeCocktail = 108,
296         RiverCity = 109,
297         FrozenBerry = 110,
298         ChildCare = 112,
299         FlyingLemon = 113,
300         NewRetrowave = 114,
301         HiddenJaguar = 115,
302         AboveTheSky = 116,
303         Nega = 117,
304         DenseWater = 118,
305         Seashore = 120,
306         MarbleWall = 121,
307         CheerfulCaramel = 122,
308         NightSky = 123,
309         MagicLake = 124,
310         YoungGrass = 125,
311         ColorfulPeach = 126,
312         GentleCare = 127,
313         PlumBath = 128,
314         HappyUnicorn = 129,
315         AfricanField = 131,
316         SolidStone = 132,
317         OrangeJuice = 133,
318         GlassWater = 134,
319         NorthMiracle = 136,
320         FruitBlend = 137,
321         MillenniumPine = 138,
322         HighFlight = 139,
323         MoleHall = 140,
324         SpaceShift = 142,
325         ForestInei = 143,
326         RoyalGarden = 144,
327         RichMetal = 145,
328         JuicyCake = 146,
329         SmartIndigo = 147,
330         SandStrike = 148,
331         NorseBeauty = 149,
332         AquaGuidance = 150,
333         SunVeggie = 151,
334         SeaLord = 152,
335         BlackSea = 153,
336         GrassShampoo = 154,
337         LandingAircraft = 155,
338         WitchDance = 156,
339         SleeplessNight = 157,
340         AngelCare = 158,
341         CrystalRiver = 159,
342         SoftLipstick = 160,
343         SaltMountain = 161,
344         PerfectWhite = 162,
345         FreshOasis = 163,
346         StrictNovember = 164,
347         MorningSalad = 165,
348         DeepRelief = 166,
349         SeaStrike = 167,
350         NightCall = 168,
351         SupremeSky = 169,
352         LightBlue = 170,
353         MindCrawl = 171,
354         LilyMeadow = 172,
355         SugarLollipop = 173,
356         SweetDessert = 174,
357         MagicRay = 175,
358         TeenParty = 176,
359         FrozenHeat = 177,
360         GagarinView = 178,
361         FabledSunset = 179,
362         PerfectBlue = 180,
364         NumPresets
365     }
366     /+ Q_ENUM(Preset) +/
368     @disable this();
369     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
370     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
371     static typeof(this) create()
372     {
373         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
374         r.rawConstructor();
375         return r;
376     }
378     this(Preset);
379     ~this();
381     Type type() const { return m_type; }
383     pragma(inline, true) void setSpread(Spread aspread)
384     { m_spread = aspread; }
385     Spread spread() const { return m_spread; }
387     void setColorAt(qreal pos, ref const(QColor) color);
389     void setStops(ref const(QGradientStops) stops);
390     QGradientStops stops() const;
392     CoordinateMode coordinateMode() const;
393     void setCoordinateMode(CoordinateMode mode);
395     InterpolationMode interpolationMode() const;
396     void setInterpolationMode(InterpolationMode mode);
398     /+bool operator ==(ref const(QGradient) gradient) const;+/
399     /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator !=(ref const(QGradient) other) const
400     { return !operator==(other); }+/
402     union QGradientData {
403         struct generated_qbrush_0 {
404             qreal x1; qreal y1; qreal x2; qreal y2;
405         }generated_qbrush_0 linear;
406         struct generated_qbrush_1 {
407             qreal cx; qreal cy; qreal fx; qreal fy; qreal cradius;
408         }generated_qbrush_1 radial;
409         struct generated_qbrush_2 {
410             qreal cx; qreal cy; qreal angle;
411         }generated_qbrush_2 conical;
412     }
414 private:
415     /+ friend class QLinearGradient; +/
416     /+ friend class QRadialGradient; +/
417     /+ friend class QConicalGradient; +/
418     /+ friend class QBrush; +/
420     Type m_type;
421     Spread m_spread;
422     QGradientStops m_stops;
423     QGradientData m_data;
424     void* dummy; // ### Qt 6: replace with actual content (CoordinateMode, InterpolationMode, ...)
425 }
427 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QLinearGradient
428 {
429     public QGradient base0;
430     alias base0 this;
431 public:
432     @disable this();
433     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
434     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
435     static typeof(this) create()
436     {
437         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
438         r.rawConstructor();
439         return r;
440     }
442     this(ref const(QPointF) start, ref const(QPointF) finalStop);
443     this(qreal xStart, qreal yStart, qreal xFinalStop, qreal yFinalStop);
444     ~this();
446     QPointF start() const;
447     void setStart(ref const(QPointF) start);
448     pragma(inline, true) void setStart(qreal x, qreal y) { auto tmp = QPointF(x, y); setStart(tmp); }
450     QPointF finalStop() const;
451     void setFinalStop(ref const(QPointF) stop);
452     pragma(inline, true) void setFinalStop(qreal x, qreal y) { auto tmp = QPointF(x, y); setFinalStop(tmp); }
453 }
456 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QRadialGradient
457 {
458     public QGradient base0;
459     alias base0 this;
460 public:
461     @disable this();
462     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
463     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
464     static typeof(this) create()
465     {
466         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
467         r.rawConstructor();
468         return r;
469     }
471     this(ref const(QPointF) center, qreal radius, ref const(QPointF) focalPoint);
472     this(qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal radius, qreal fx, qreal fy);
474     this(ref const(QPointF) center, qreal radius);
475     this(qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal radius);
477     this(ref const(QPointF) center, qreal centerRadius, ref const(QPointF) focalPoint, qreal focalRadius);
478     this(qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal centerRadius, qreal fx, qreal fy, qreal focalRadius);
480     ~this();
482     QPointF center() const;
483     void setCenter(ref const(QPointF) center);
484     pragma(inline, true) void setCenter(qreal x, qreal y) { auto tmp = QPointF(x, y); setCenter(tmp); }
486     QPointF focalPoint() const;
487     void setFocalPoint(ref const(QPointF) focalPoint);
488     pragma(inline, true) void setFocalPoint(qreal x, qreal y) { auto tmp = QPointF(x, y); setFocalPoint(tmp); }
490     qreal radius() const;
491     void setRadius(qreal radius);
493     qreal centerRadius() const;
494     void setCenterRadius(qreal radius);
496     qreal focalRadius() const;
497     void setFocalRadius(qreal radius);
498 }
501 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_GUI_EXPORT +/ QConicalGradient
502 {
503     public QGradient base0;
504     alias base0 this;
505 public:
506     @disable this();
507     pragma(mangle, defaultConstructorMangling(__traits(identifier, typeof(this))))
508     ref typeof(this) rawConstructor();
509     static typeof(this) create()
510     {
511         typeof(this) r = typeof(this).init;
512         r.rawConstructor();
513         return r;
514     }
516     this(ref const(QPointF) center, qreal startAngle);
517     this(qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal startAngle);
518     ~this();
520     QPointF center() const;
521     void setCenter(ref const(QPointF) center);
522     pragma(inline, true) void setCenter(qreal x, qreal y) { auto tmp = QPointF(x, y); setCenter(tmp); }
524     qreal angle() const;
525     void setAngle(qreal angle);
526 }