1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.core.itemselectionmodel;
15 extern(C++):
17 import qt.config;
18 import qt.core.abstractitemmodel;
19 import qt.core.flags;
20 import qt.core.list;
21 import qt.core.object;
22 import qt.core.typeinfo;
23 import qt.helpers;
25 /+ QT_REQUIRE_CONFIG(itemmodel); +/
28 @Q_MOVABLE_TYPE extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_CORE_EXPORT +/ QItemSelectionRange
29 {
31 public:
32     @disable this();
33     /+pragma(inline, true) this()
34     {
35         this.tl = typeof(this.tl)();
36         this.br = typeof(this.br)();
37     }+/
38 /+ #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) +/
39     // ### Qt 6: remove them all, the compiler-generated ones are fine
40     @disable this(this);
41     pragma(inline, true) this(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other)
42     {
43         this.tl = other.tl;
44         this.br = other.br;
45     }
46     /+ QItemSelectionRange(QItemSelectionRange &&other) noexcept
47         : tl(std::move(other.tl)), br(std::move(other.br)) {} +/
48     /+ QItemSelectionRange &operator=(QItemSelectionRange &&other) noexcept
49     { tl = std::move(other.tl); br = std::move(other.br); return *this; } +/
50     /+ref QItemSelectionRange operator =(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other)
51     { tl = other.tl; br = other.br; return this; }+/
52 /+ #endif +/ // Qt < 6
53     this(ref const(QModelIndex) topL, ref const(QModelIndex) bottomR)
54     {
55         this.tl = topL;
56         this.br = bottomR;
57     }
58     /+ explicit +/this(ref const(QModelIndex) index)
59     {
60         this.tl = index;
61         this.br = tl;
62     }
64     /+ void swap(QItemSelectionRange &other) noexcept
65     {
66         qSwap(tl, other.tl);
67         qSwap(br, other.br);
68     } +/
70     pragma(inline, true) int top() const { return tl.row(); }
71     pragma(inline, true) int left() const { return tl.column(); }
72     pragma(inline, true) int bottom() const { return br.row(); }
73     pragma(inline, true) int right() const { return br.column(); }
74     pragma(inline, true) int width() const { return br.column() - tl.column() + 1; }
75     pragma(inline, true) int height() const { return br.row() - tl.row() + 1; }
77     pragma(inline, true) ref const(QPersistentModelIndex) topLeft() const return { return tl; }
78     pragma(inline, true) ref const(QPersistentModelIndex) bottomRight() const return { return br; }
79     pragma(inline, true) QModelIndex parent() const { return tl.parent(); }
80     pragma(inline, true) const(QAbstractItemModel) model() const { return tl.model(); }
82     pragma(inline, true) bool contains(ref const(QModelIndex) index) const
83     {
84         return (parent() == index.parent()
85                 && tl.row() <= index.row() && tl.column() <= index.column()
86                 && br.row() >= index.row() && br.column() >= index.column());
87     }
89     pragma(inline, true) bool contains(int row, int column, ref const(QModelIndex) parentIndex) const
90     {
91         return (parent() == parentIndex
92                 && tl.row() <= row && tl.column() <= column
93                 && br.row() >= row && br.column() >= column);
94     }
96     bool intersects(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other) const;
97 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 0)
98     inline QItemSelectionRange intersect(const QItemSelectionRange &other) const
99         { return intersected(other); }
100 #endif +/
101     QItemSelectionRange intersected(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other) const;
104     /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator ==(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other) const
105         { return (tl == other.tl && br == other.br); }+/
106     /+pragma(inline, true) bool operator !=(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other) const
107         { return !operator==(other); }+/
108 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15) +/
109     /+/+ QT_DEPRECATED +/ bool operator <(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other) const;+/
110 /+ #endif +/
112     pragma(inline, true) bool isValid() const
113     {
114         return (tl.isValid() && br.isValid() && tl.parent() == br.parent()
115                 && top() <= bottom() && left() <= right());
116     }
118     bool isEmpty() const;
120     QModelIndexList indexes() const;
122 private:
123     QPersistentModelIndex tl; QPersistentModelIndex br;
124 }
127 class QItemSelection; +/
128 extern(C++, class) struct QItemSelectionModelPrivate;
130 class /+ Q_CORE_EXPORT +/ QItemSelectionModel : QObject
131 {
132     mixin(Q_OBJECT);
133     /+ Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractItemModel *model READ model WRITE setModel NOTIFY modelChanged)
134     Q_PROPERTY(bool hasSelection READ hasSelection NOTIFY selectionChanged STORED false DESIGNABLE false)
135     Q_PROPERTY(QModelIndex currentIndex READ currentIndex NOTIFY currentChanged STORED false DESIGNABLE false)
136     Q_PROPERTY(QItemSelection selection READ selection NOTIFY selectionChanged STORED false DESIGNABLE false)
137     Q_PROPERTY(QModelIndexList selectedIndexes READ selectedIndexes NOTIFY selectionChanged STORED false DESIGNABLE false)
139     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QItemSelectionModel) +/
141 public:
143     enum SelectionFlag {
144         NoUpdate       = 0x0000,
145         Clear          = 0x0001,
146         Select         = 0x0002,
147         Deselect       = 0x0004,
148         Toggle         = 0x0008,
149         Current        = 0x0010,
150         Rows           = 0x0020,
151         Columns        = 0x0040,
152         SelectCurrent  = SelectionFlag.Select | SelectionFlag.Current,
153         ToggleCurrent  = SelectionFlag.Toggle | SelectionFlag.Current,
154         ClearAndSelect = SelectionFlag.Clear | SelectionFlag.Select
155     }
157     /+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SelectionFlags, SelectionFlag) +/
158 alias SelectionFlags = QFlags!(SelectionFlag);    /+ Q_FLAG(SelectionFlags) +/
160     /+ explicit +/this(QAbstractItemModel model = null);
161     /+ explicit +/this(QAbstractItemModel model, QObject parent);
162     /+ virtual +/~this();
164     final QModelIndex currentIndex() const;
166     @QInvokable final bool isSelected(ref const(QModelIndex) index) const;
167     @QInvokable final bool isRowSelected(int row, ref const(QModelIndex) parent = globalInitVar!QModelIndex) const;
168     @QInvokable final bool isColumnSelected(int column, ref const(QModelIndex) parent = globalInitVar!QModelIndex) const;
170     @QInvokable final bool rowIntersectsSelection(int row, ref const(QModelIndex) parent = globalInitVar!QModelIndex) const;
171     @QInvokable final bool columnIntersectsSelection(int column, ref const(QModelIndex) parent = globalInitVar!QModelIndex) const;
173     final bool hasSelection() const;
175     final QModelIndexList selectedIndexes() const;
176     @QInvokable final QModelIndexList selectedRows(int column = 0) const;
177     @QInvokable final QModelIndexList selectedColumns(int row = 0) const;
178     final const(QItemSelection) selection() const;
180     // ### Qt 6: Merge these two as "QAbstractItemModel *model() const"
181     final const(QAbstractItemModel) model() const;
182     final QAbstractItemModel model();
184     final void setModel(QAbstractItemModel model);
186 public /+ Q_SLOTS +/:
187     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void setCurrentIndex(ref const(QModelIndex) index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags command);
188     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void select(ref const(QModelIndex) index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags command);
189     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void select(ref const(QItemSelection) selection, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags command);
190     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void clear();
191     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void reset();
193     @QSlot final void clearSelection();
194     /+ virtual +/ @QSlot void clearCurrentIndex();
196 /+ Q_SIGNALS +/public:
197     @QSignal final void selectionChanged(ref const(QItemSelection) selected, ref const(QItemSelection) deselected);
198     @QSignal final void currentChanged(ref const(QModelIndex) current, ref const(QModelIndex) previous);
199     @QSignal final void currentRowChanged(ref const(QModelIndex) current, ref const(QModelIndex) previous);
200     @QSignal final void currentColumnChanged(ref const(QModelIndex) current, ref const(QModelIndex) previous);
201     @QSignal final void modelChanged(QAbstractItemModel model);
203 protected:
204     this(ref QItemSelectionModelPrivate dd, QAbstractItemModel model);
205     final void emitSelectionChanged(ref const(QItemSelection) newSelection, ref const(QItemSelection) oldSelection);
207 private:
208     /+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QItemSelectionModel) +/
209     /+ Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int))
210     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int))
211     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int))
212     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int))
213     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_layoutAboutToBeChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(), QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoHint))
214     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_layoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(), QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoHint)) +/
215 }
216 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type) operator |(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type f1, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type f2)/+noexcept+/{return QFlags!(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type)(f1)|f2;}+/
217 /+pragma(inline, true) QFlags!(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type) operator |(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type f1, QFlags!(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type) f2)/+noexcept+/{return f2|f1;}+/
218 /+pragma(inline, true) QIncompatibleFlag operator |(QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags.enum_type f1, int f2)/+noexcept+/{return QIncompatibleFlag(int(f1)|f2);}+/
220 /+ Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags)
221 // dummy implentation of qHash() necessary for instantiating QList<QItemSelectionRange>::toSet() with MSVC
222 inline uint qHash(const QItemSelectionRange &) { return 0; }
224 #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
226 /*
227    ### Qt 6:
228    ### This needs to be removed for next releases of Qt. It is a workaround for vc++ because
229    ### Qt exports QItemSelection that inherits QList<QItemSelectionRange>.
230 */
232 # ifndef Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN
233 #  if defined(QT_BUILD_CORE_LIB)
234 #   define Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN
235 #  else
236 #   define Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN extern
237 #  endif
238 # endif
239 Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class Q_CORE_EXPORT QList<QItemSelectionRange>;
240 #endif +/ // Q_CC_MSVC
242 extern(C++, class) struct /+ Q_CORE_EXPORT +/ QItemSelection
243 {
244     public QList!(QItemSelectionRange) base0;
245     alias base0 this;
246 public:
247     @disable this();
248     /+this()/+ noexcept+/
249     {
250         this.QList!(QItemSelectionRange) = typeof(this.QList!(QItemSelectionRange))();
251     }+/
252     this(ref const(QModelIndex) topLeft, ref const(QModelIndex) bottomRight);
254     // reusing QList::swap() here is OK!
256     void select(ref const(QModelIndex) topLeft, ref const(QModelIndex) bottomRight);
257     bool contains(ref const(QModelIndex) index) const;
258     QModelIndexList indexes() const;
259     void merge(ref const(QItemSelection) other, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags command);
260     static void split(ref const(QItemSelectionRange) range,
261                           ref const(QItemSelectionRange) other,
262                           QItemSelection* result);
263 }
266 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
267 Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QItemSelectionRange &);
268 #endif
271 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QItemSelectionRange)
272 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QItemSelection) +/