1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** DQt - D bindings for the Qt Toolkit
4 **
5 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
6 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
7 ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
8 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
9 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
10 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
11 ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
12 **
13 ****************************************************************************/
14 module qt.core.basicatomic;
15 extern(C++):
17 import core.atomic;
18 import qt.config;
19 import qt.helpers;
20 version(D_LP64)
21     import core.stdc.config;
23 /+ #ifndef QBASICATOMIC_H +/
24 /+ #define QBASICATOMIC_H
26 #if defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED)
27 // If C++11 atomics are supported, use them!
28 // Note that constexpr support is sometimes disabled in QNX or INTEGRITY builds,
29 // but their libraries have <atomic>.
30 #elif defined(Q_COMPILER_ATOMICS) && (defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR) || defined(Q_OS_QNX) || defined(Q_OS_INTEGRITY))
31 // We only support one fallback: MSVC, because even on version 2015, it lacks full constexpr support
32 #elif defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
33 // No fallback
34 #else
35 #  error "Qt requires C++11 support"
36 #endif
42 #if 0
43 // silence syncqt warnings
44 #pragma qt_no_master_include
45 #pragma qt_sync_stop_processing
46 #endif
48 // New atomics
50 #if defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR)
51 # if defined(Q_CC_CLANG) && Q_CC_CLANG < 303
52    /*
53       Do not define QT_BASIC_ATOMIC_HAS_CONSTRUCTORS for Clang before version 3.3.
54       For details about the bug: see http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=12670
55     */
56 # else
58 # endif
59 #endif +/
61 extern(C++, class) struct QBasicAtomicInteger(T)
62 {
63 public:
64     alias Type = T;
65     //alias Ops = QAtomicOps!(T);
66     // static check that this is a valid integer
67     /+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(QTypeInfo<T>::isIntegral, "template parameter is not an integral type") +/
68     // /+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(QAtomicOpsSupport<sizeof(T)>::IsSupported, "template parameter is an integral of a size not supported on this platform") +/static assert(cast(bool)(QAtomicOpsSupport!(T.sizeof).IsSupported),"template parameter is an integral of a size not supported on this platform");
70     Type _q_value;
72     // Everything below is either implemented in ../arch/qatomic_XXX.h or (as fallback) in qgenericatomic.h
73 /+ #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 14) +/
74 //    /+ QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X_5_14("Use loadRelaxed") +/ T load() const/+ noexcept+/ { return loadRelaxed(); }
75 //    /+ QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X_5_14("Use storeRelaxed") +/ void store(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/ { storeRelaxed(newValue); }
76 /+ #endif +/
78     T loadRelaxed() const/+ noexcept+/
79     {
80         return atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.raw)(_q_value); 
81     }
82 //    void storeRelaxed(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/ { Ops.storeRelaxed(_q_value, newValue); }
84     T loadAcquire() const/+ noexcept+/{ return atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(_q_value);  }
85     void storeRelease(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/ { atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(_q_value, newValue); }
86     /+auto opCast(T : T)() const/+ noexcept+/ { return loadAcquire(); }+/
87     /+T operator =(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/ { storeRelease(newValue); return newValue; }+/
89 //    static bool isReferenceCountingNative()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isReferenceCountingNative(); }
90 //    static bool isReferenceCountingWaitFree()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isReferenceCountingWaitFree(); }
92     bool ref_()/+ noexcept+/ 
93     {
94         return atomicFetchAdd(_q_value, 1) + 1 != 0;
95     }
96     bool deref()/+ noexcept+/
97     {
98         return atomicFetchSub(_q_value, 1) - 1 != 0;
99     }
101 //    static bool isTestAndSetNative()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isTestAndSetNative(); }
102 //    static bool isTestAndSetWaitFree()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isTestAndSetWaitFree(); }
104     bool testAndSetRelaxed(T expectedValue, T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
105     {
106         bool tmp = cas!(MemoryOrder.raw, MemoryOrder.raw)(&_q_value, expectedValue, newValue);
107         return tmp;
108     }
109 /+    bool testAndSetAcquire(T expectedValue, T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
110     { return Ops.testAndSetAcquire(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
111     bool testAndSetRelease(T expectedValue, T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
112     { return Ops.testAndSetRelease(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
113     bool testAndSetOrdered(T expectedValue, T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
114     { return Ops.testAndSetOrdered(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
115 +/
116     /+bool testAndSetRelaxed(T expectedValue, T newValue, ref T currentValue)/+ noexcept+/
117     { return Ops.testAndSetRelaxed(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }+
118     bool testAndSetAcquire(T expectedValue, T newValue, ref T currentValue)/+ noexcept+/
119     { return Ops.testAndSetAcquire(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
120     bool testAndSetRelease(T expectedValue, T newValue, ref T currentValue)/+ noexcept+/
121     { return Ops.testAndSetRelease(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
122     bool testAndSetOrdered(T expectedValue, T newValue, ref T currentValue)/+ noexcept+/
123     { return Ops.testAndSetOrdered(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
124 +/
125 //    static bool isFetchAndStoreNative()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isFetchAndStoreNative(); }
126 //    static bool isFetchAndStoreWaitFree()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isFetchAndStoreWaitFree(); }
128 /*    T fetchAndStoreRelaxed(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
129     { return Ops.fetchAndStoreRelaxed(_q_value, newValue); }
130     T fetchAndStoreAcquire(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
131     { return Ops.fetchAndStoreAcquire(_q_value, newValue); }
132     T fetchAndStoreRelease(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
133     { return Ops.fetchAndStoreRelease(_q_value, newValue); }
134     T fetchAndStoreOrdered(T newValue)/+ noexcept+/
135     { return Ops.fetchAndStoreOrdered(_q_value, newValue); }*/
137 //    static bool isFetchAndAddNative()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isFetchAndAddNative(); }
138 //    static bool isFetchAndAddWaitFree()/+ noexcept+/ { return Ops.isFetchAndAddWaitFree(); }
140 /+    T fetchAndAddRelaxed(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
141     { return Ops.fetchAndAddRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
142     T fetchAndAddAcquire(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
143     { return Ops.fetchAndAddAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
144     T fetchAndAddRelease(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
145     { return Ops.fetchAndAddRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
146     T fetchAndAddOrdered(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
147     { return Ops.fetchAndAddOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
149     T fetchAndSubRelaxed(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
150     { return Ops.fetchAndSubRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
151     T fetchAndSubAcquire(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
152     { return Ops.fetchAndSubAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
153     T fetchAndSubRelease(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
154     { return Ops.fetchAndSubRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
155     T fetchAndSubOrdered(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
156     { return Ops.fetchAndSubOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
158     T fetchAndAndRelaxed(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
159     { return Ops.fetchAndAndRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
160     T fetchAndAndAcquire(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
161     { return Ops.fetchAndAndAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
162     T fetchAndAndRelease(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
163     { return Ops.fetchAndAndRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
164     T fetchAndAndOrdered(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
165     { return Ops.fetchAndAndOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
167     T fetchAndOrRelaxed(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
168     { return Ops.fetchAndOrRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
169     T fetchAndOrAcquire(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
170     { return Ops.fetchAndOrAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
171     T fetchAndOrRelease(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
172     { return Ops.fetchAndOrRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
173     T fetchAndOrOrdered(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
174     { return Ops.fetchAndOrOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
176     T fetchAndXorRelaxed(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
177     { return Ops.fetchAndXorRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
178     T fetchAndXorAcquire(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
179     { return Ops.fetchAndXorAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
180     T fetchAndXorRelease(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
181     { return Ops.fetchAndXorRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
182     T fetchAndXorOrdered(T valueToAdd)/+ noexcept+/
183     { return Ops.fetchAndXorOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
184 +/
185     T opUnary(string op)()/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "++")
186     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(1) + 1; }
187     /+T operator ++(int)/+ noexcept+/
188     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(1); }+/
189     T opUnary(string op)()/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "--")
190     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(1) - 1; }
191     /+T operator --(int)/+ noexcept+/
192     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(1); }+/
194     T opOpAssign(string op)(T v)/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "+")
195     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(v) + v; }
196     T opOpAssign(string op)(T v)/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "-")
197     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(v) - v; }
198     T opOpAssign(string op)(T v)/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "&")
199     { return fetchAndAndOrdered(v) & v; }
200     T opOpAssign(string op)(T v)/+ noexcept+/ if(op == "|")
201     { return fetchAndOrOrdered(v) | v; }
202     /+T operator ^=(T v)/+ noexcept+/
203     { return fetchAndXorOrdered(v) ^ v; }+/
207     QBasicAtomicInteger() = default;
208     constexpr QBasicAtomicInteger(T value) noexcept : _q_value(value) {}
209     QBasicAtomicInteger(const QBasicAtomicInteger &) = delete;
210     QBasicAtomicInteger &operator=(const QBasicAtomicInteger &) = delete;
211     QBasicAtomicInteger &operator=(const QBasicAtomicInteger &) volatile = delete;
212 #endif +/
213 }
214 alias QBasicAtomicInt = QBasicAtomicInteger!(int);
216 /+ template <typename X>
217 class QBasicAtomicPointer
218 {
219 public:
220     typedef X *Type;
221     typedef QAtomicOps<Type> Ops;
222     typedef typename Ops::Type AtomicType;
224     AtomicType _q_value;
226 #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 14)
227     QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X_5_14("Use loadRelaxed") Type load() const noexcept { return loadRelaxed(); }
228     QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X_5_14("Use storeRelaxed") void store(Type newValue) noexcept { storeRelaxed(newValue); }
229 #endif
231     Type loadRelaxed() const noexcept { return Ops::loadRelaxed(_q_value); }
232     void storeRelaxed(Type newValue) noexcept { Ops::storeRelaxed(_q_value, newValue); }
234     operator Type() const noexcept { return loadAcquire(); }
235     Type operator=(Type newValue) noexcept { storeRelease(newValue); return newValue; }
237     // Atomic API, implemented in qatomic_XXX.h
238     Type loadAcquire() const noexcept { return Ops::loadAcquire(_q_value); }
239     void storeRelease(Type newValue) noexcept { Ops::storeRelease(_q_value, newValue); }
241     static bool isTestAndSetNative() noexcept { return Ops::isTestAndSetNative(); }
242     static bool isTestAndSetWaitFree() noexcept { return Ops::isTestAndSetWaitFree(); }
244     bool testAndSetRelaxed(Type expectedValue, Type newValue) noexcept
245     { return Ops::testAndSetRelaxed(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
246     bool testAndSetAcquire(Type expectedValue, Type newValue) noexcept
247     { return Ops::testAndSetAcquire(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
248     bool testAndSetRelease(Type expectedValue, Type newValue) noexcept
249     { return Ops::testAndSetRelease(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
250     bool testAndSetOrdered(Type expectedValue, Type newValue) noexcept
251     { return Ops::testAndSetOrdered(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue); }
253     bool testAndSetRelaxed(Type expectedValue, Type newValue, Type &currentValue) noexcept
254     { return Ops::testAndSetRelaxed(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
255     bool testAndSetAcquire(Type expectedValue, Type newValue, Type &currentValue) noexcept
256     { return Ops::testAndSetAcquire(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
257     bool testAndSetRelease(Type expectedValue, Type newValue, Type &currentValue) noexcept
258     { return Ops::testAndSetRelease(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
259     bool testAndSetOrdered(Type expectedValue, Type newValue, Type &currentValue) noexcept
260     { return Ops::testAndSetOrdered(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }
262     static bool isFetchAndStoreNative() noexcept { return Ops::isFetchAndStoreNative(); }
263     static bool isFetchAndStoreWaitFree() noexcept { return Ops::isFetchAndStoreWaitFree(); }
265     Type fetchAndStoreRelaxed(Type newValue) noexcept
266     { return Ops::fetchAndStoreRelaxed(_q_value, newValue); }
267     Type fetchAndStoreAcquire(Type newValue) noexcept
268     { return Ops::fetchAndStoreAcquire(_q_value, newValue); }
269     Type fetchAndStoreRelease(Type newValue) noexcept
270     { return Ops::fetchAndStoreRelease(_q_value, newValue); }
271     Type fetchAndStoreOrdered(Type newValue) noexcept
272     { return Ops::fetchAndStoreOrdered(_q_value, newValue); }
274     static bool isFetchAndAddNative() noexcept { return Ops::isFetchAndAddNative(); }
275     static bool isFetchAndAddWaitFree() noexcept { return Ops::isFetchAndAddWaitFree(); }
277     Type fetchAndAddRelaxed(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
278     { return Ops::fetchAndAddRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
279     Type fetchAndAddAcquire(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
280     { return Ops::fetchAndAddAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
281     Type fetchAndAddRelease(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
282     { return Ops::fetchAndAddRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
283     Type fetchAndAddOrdered(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
284     { return Ops::fetchAndAddOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
286     Type fetchAndSubRelaxed(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
287     { return Ops::fetchAndSubRelaxed(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
288     Type fetchAndSubAcquire(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
289     { return Ops::fetchAndSubAcquire(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
290     Type fetchAndSubRelease(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
291     { return Ops::fetchAndSubRelease(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
292     Type fetchAndSubOrdered(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
293     { return Ops::fetchAndSubOrdered(_q_value, valueToAdd); }
295     Type operator++() noexcept
296     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(1) + 1; }
297     Type operator++(int) noexcept
298     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(1); }
299     Type operator--() noexcept
300     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(1) - 1; }
301     Type operator--(int) noexcept
302     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(1); }
303     Type operator+=(qptrdiff valueToAdd) noexcept
304     { return fetchAndAddOrdered(valueToAdd) + valueToAdd; }
305     Type operator-=(qptrdiff valueToSub) noexcept
306     { return fetchAndSubOrdered(valueToSub) - valueToSub; }
309     QBasicAtomicPointer() = default;
310     constexpr QBasicAtomicPointer(Type value) noexcept : _q_value(value) {}
311     QBasicAtomicPointer(const QBasicAtomicPointer &) = delete;
312     QBasicAtomicPointer &operator=(const QBasicAtomicPointer &) = delete;
313     QBasicAtomicPointer &operator=(const QBasicAtomicPointer &) volatile = delete;
314 #endif
315 };
318 #  define Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(a) { (a) }
319 #endif
324 /+ #endif +/ // QBASICATOMIC_H